Welcome to our Website
Aesop's Touring Theatre Company specialises in Theatre in Education, touring Schools, Children's Centres, Art Centres, Libraries, Village Halls and Theatres nationally throughout the year with Plays and Creative Drama Workshops specifically written and designed for Nursery, Infant, Junior and Senior age groups. We are also very experienced in performing Plays and conducting Workshops at Schools with Special Educational Needs.
In addition we perform regularly at children's parties where the emphasis is very much on fun and entertainment. There is always a good deal of music, many songs and participation and interaction with the children. Our four nursery and infant productions "Gingerbread Man", "Hare & Tortoise", "Billy Beware!" and "Ugly Duckling" all fit the bill perfectly. And, for the older children our other productions have proved popular.
The Company aims to educate young audiences through the powers of entertainment and imagination whilst, at the same time, encouraging children to question and think for themselves.
A high standard of professionalism is maintained by employing experienced actors with specialist skills and considerable enthusiasm. All actors and Company personnel have enhanced DBS checks to work with children and vulnerable adults.
All productions are linked to the National Curriculum, and our nursery and infant plays carry an important moral or message.
Behind the scenes too, professionals in costumery, puppetry, mask-making and scenery painting have been chosen specifically for their talents and genuine interest in educational theatre.
We hope you enjoy our work as much as we do.

Special Offers
Summer Special for Primaries, Free Plays, World War 1 Workshops, We've an exciting range of Special Offers for schools and children for every budget.
Get in touch today for our latest ideas!